Do you want to create articles to improve the SEO of your website? From Casals Online, we present you a complete guide with easy tricks to apply so you can get the traffic your blog deserves!
Today, from Casals Online, we bring you the second part of the definitive guide to optimize a text for SEO, with which you can improve the SEO of your articles and get more traffic to your website . If you have missed the first part, click here and don’t miss any detail of how to create the ideal blog for your current and future customers.
Eye catching title
The title, in addition to making your intentions clear, must be original and eye-catching to draw attention and curiosity to your target audience to continue reading.
The titles must include the keyword and must not be too small or too long, respecting the maximum of 70 characters.
Clear and cool description
The meta-description tag is the text that appears under the title in Google results. These descriptions do not influence how your article is positioned, but they do help to get the attention of the public. If your description is able to inform about the content of your article in a clear and striking way, there will be more possibilities for your users to decide to click and enter your blog.
Optimal length
The length of the article itself is not important. Although it is true that longer texts tend to position themselves better. This does not mean that we should “fill in” or expand an article simply by making it longer. In truth, a 300-word article may work better than a 600-word article. It all depends on what you want to communicate.
So, what is the ideal extension for a blog? We can not offer you an optimal number, since this will depend on the type of user and the information that he needs. Our recommendation is to try to write your article without forcing the extension, but including the necessary details or clarifications and adapting its length to the content and to the target. To facilitate the reading of long texts to users with little time or more impatient, it is recommendable to use a clear structure, paragraphs and short phrases, include subtitles and highlight the most important aspects in bold.
Images and videos
Videos and images are also content for Google and the more different content, the more relevance our article will have for search engines. In addition, with these visual materials you can achieve greater fluency in reading the article.
In the case of images, we must include the Alt tag and an image title. For this, we have to take into account the format (recommended jpg or png), image optimization (resolution of 72 pixels), title of the image with the keywords of the text and we must also take care of the name of the image file, where spaces, accents, symbols or ñ should not be included.
Other tips:
Share social networks
It is important that the article is shared several times and in a correct manner. In addition to sharing it in different social networks, it would also be a good practice to make two or three different texts to share more than once but with slightly different messages to reach the maximum possible audience.
Link to other pages
Including internal links of other pages or articles of our own website is highly recommended. In this way we will make the user stay in our website for a longer period of time.
Using external links can also help your positioning if the site to which you redirect has relevance for Google SEO and is related to your content.
In short, the key to a good SEO positioning is that we work in titles, descriptions, images and content so that the user can respond perfectly to your question or concern that made him reach the article.
As an online marketing agency in Barcelona, in Casals Online we have experience in SEO positioning, not only with the creation of articles on the blog but also through linkbuilding, SEO audits and other techniques more specific. If you would like to go a step further in the SEO positioning of your website, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more than pleased to help you!