Web portals

We are experts in designing and programming web portals to satisfy users who need access online services. When developing, we care about usability and user experience in order to satisfy their needs and retain them as loyal customers, providing them with a range of added values.
At Casals Online, we have been creating web portals based on client’s needs for more than 9 years. We develop both horizontal and vertical web portals (industry specific).
At Casals Online, we develop web portals based on powerful Content Management Systems (CMS) which will lower maintenance cost by reducing the efforts of content modifications.
We always develop by using Agile Method (scrum) and we meet the following milestones with the client:
Initial client interview
Competition benchmark
Wireframes and mockups design
Programming stack decision: framework versus programming language: Laravel (php), Express (node.js) by the server and / or by the Angular client part (Typescript), Javascript …
BBDD decision: relational (Maria db -mysql) vs. non-relational database (Mongo db)
Web application development
QA and testing
Web application launching
Maintenance and scalability
Visual design: Tailor made design adapted to your corporate identity.
Optimization: Given the importance of a low page loading time, we will make sure you receive a clean, structured and error-free code, besides having one of the most advanced web caching tools on the market.
User-friendly: You can manage your own portal in a very intuitive way, without the need of prior programming knowledge.
Security: 100% hack-free, ssl and data and email encryption
Performance: You will have a dedicated server adapted to your specific needs with the ability to open multiple instances on-demand (in periods of maximum traffic demand and user recurrence).
Scalable: Thanks to its components, the application is modular; thus it can be extended as much as you need.
Multiplatform: Web design adapted to all devices.
As you can see, at Casals Online we take the development of your web portal very seriously and we do not leave anything to chance in order to ensure a successful outcome.
Contact us so we can get down to work now!